Friday, June 26, 2015

Dear Supreme Court,

I am not considered to be intelligent by many, but I am passionate about topics that I believe are hypocritical and a bit confusing. I just read the news and it stated that a ruling has been placed that all gay people can now marry in all fifty states. While, I am sure that is a victory for many I personally believe that if you have the power to give that option then you have the power to create a license that has history with it. Example : Licences were usually granted by an archbishop, bishop or archdeacon in the 1200's in England and in America the churches also played major roles. Why not create a new license that pertains to the gay community and a universal belief that all are created equal. I also feel that the trans community should have their own type of labeled species and not be called the opposite gender just because, they changed their sexual organs. I am not a doctor, but by changing your sex organ does that change the male or female DNA and other organs development and turn the whole human into the other sex?Why not just take out gender labels all together? Now in certain states a man with a 5'oclock shadow in a mini skirt is now accepted into a "females" bathroom, because he identifies as female? Um, how about requiring a new installment for trans-gender bathrooms, so there is no conflict? I am labeled as a "lesbian" a label in which heterosexuals gave me, but I am created equal right? While you are at it could you please bring back legal marijuanna? I mean, it does belong to the earth and was created equal before man came and decided it would create rules for other man, yet back in the day the government benefited from farmers growing hemp, but banned booze and then gave permission for us to buy it and make it again? Yet, drunk drivers kill daily and alcohol and tobacco kills daily and that is okay because, the decision was made it was okay? I will write to you some more later have a great day